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Where can I find the API documentation for FleetShare?⚓︎

Both a developer documentation as well as an API reference are available for FleetShare.

Is FleetShare free?⚓︎

FleetShare is a paid feature. For exact pricing plans, get in touch with your INVERS contact person.


How do I create partnerships?⚓︎

Partnerships and FleetShare can only be set up by INVERS support. If you would like to inquire about potential partnerships or FleetShare, get in touch with your INVERS contact person.

Can my partners edit my vehicle’s data when they are shared with them?⚓︎

No. While a vehicle is shared, partners can only execute vehicle commands. Only users of a vehicle’s home fleet with sufficient permissions can edit vehicle data.


Can I automate FleetShare in FleetControl?⚓︎

No. You have to automate FleetShare using our APIs in collaboration with your partners (see API reference). However, you can use FleetControl to share and receive vehicles as well as manage currently shared vehicles manually. This can be useful for testing or providing technical support.

Can I press End Sharing at any time to retrieve my vehicle?⚓︎

Before you press End Sharing in FleetControl to retrieve your vehicle, ensure it is not currently being used by a customer of your partner. After you have ended the sharing, your partner will no longer be able to send any commands to the vehicle. If the vehicle is currently idle, you may use End Sharing at any time.

How can I ensure my vehicle is not in use when I end the sharing?⚓︎

Generally, you should automate sharing in your own systems. There, you can add checks and conditions to avoid retrieving a vehicle currently in use. If you use FleetControl to manually share a vehicle, setting an automated end-date that is outside of normal business hours can increase your chances of the vehicle being idle at that time. For example, a vehicle that will automatically be retrieved at 03:00 AM on a Wednesday morning is likely to be idle during that time.