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This space contains the manual for FleetControl.


Administrate your fleet and stay on top of things with topics.

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Find out all there is to know about the inspect page’s features. Learn how to execute vehicle commands and monitor fleet units.

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Events (Fleet Log)⚓︎

Get to know the tool for understanding your fleet units’ trips and events.

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Trip Viewer⚓︎

Access and visualize your fleet’s trip data.

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Connectivity Monitor⚓︎

Your entire fleet’s connectivity data condensed into a useful dashboard.

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Vehicle Import⚓︎

Add a large number of vehicles to your fleet at once with vehicle import. Not sure how?

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Bulk Jobs⚓︎

Want to learn how to use bulk jobs? Find out here.

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Find out how you can utilize idle vehicles and meet demand more effectively.

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Learn how to manage your fleet’s user accounts and permissions.

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API Clients⚓︎

Create and manage API clients to access our REST API from within your applications.

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Event Consumers (RabbitMQ)⚓︎

Create and manage Event Consumers to consume events from our RabbitMQ.

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