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Invite your Coworkers⚓︎

To invite coworkers to your fleet, follow these steps:

  • Log in to FleetControl
  • Navigate to Administration and Users
  • Click on Invite User located at the top right on the screen.

Invite User

In the Invite New User-dialogue‚ fill in the email address, first name, and last name of your coworker. Set permissions for each user individually or choose an existing preset tailored to a predefined role, to limit access to commands and data. This way, your colleagues can also use FleetControl and access fleet data.

Invite New User

If no permission or preset is selected, the user isn’t allowed to do anything in FleetControl. For more information on inviting users and permissions, see the Help Center section User Management.

Possible Next Steps⚓︎

The next steps can be done by each user according to their individual role and task in their own time.