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High Frequency (HF) Keyholder⚓︎

General information⚓︎

The high frequency (HF) card holder supports RFID tags and key fobs based on the ISO-15693 and ISO-14443A standard.

Example of HF Keyholder

Our key fobs and RFID stickers are easily recognizable as they are blue. The old LF card holder came with a black key fob and a yellow RFID sticker. These are NOT compatible with the HF key holder. The LEDs light up blue when a keyfob/sticker is not inserted and green when all configured keyfob/stickers are inserted.

Frequently asked questions⚓︎

What RFID type do the new HF RFID stickers from INVERS have?

We use RFID types based on the ISO-15693 norm.

Example of INVERS sticker

Which RFID types does the new HF card holder support?

The HF card holder supports the RFID type ISO-15693 and ISO-14443A.

Do you still need RFID stickers for the HF card holder or can you simply read the RFID of the fuel/charging card?

RFID cards using ISO-15693 and ISO-14443A standard should work with the HF card holder out of the box. You can read the RFID chip of the fuel or charging card and configure it to the Cloudboxx. In that case, no additional RFID stickers are required.Other card types need the additional RFID sticker to be recognized.

What is the difference between LF and HF key fobs?

The LF key fob transmits on 125 kHz (HitagS), while the HF key fob transmits on 13.56 MHz (ISO-15693).

Is there a way to distinguish between LF and HF cardholders in FleetControl and the Cloudboxx API?

We are working on updating our FleetControl UI to display the type of card holder that is connected to the CloudBoxx (high frequency or low frequency). In the meantime, you can use the peripheral status endpoints of the CloudBoxx API or the CloudBoxx Accessories endpoint of our Vehicle Lifecycle API to check the installed card holder and differentiate between the LF and HF version.

What does the information ‘rfid_tag_presence_detection_mode’ mean?

  1. configured_rfid_tags_only (standard configuration): Only conventional monitoring of the configured RFID tags and the key fob is activated.
  2. simple_presence_detection: Only simple presence detection of unknown (not configured) RFID tags is activated.
  3. configured_tags_and_simple_presence: Conventional monitoring of configured RFID tags/keyfob and simple monitoring of unknown (not configured) tags are active in parallel.